An undercover agent code-named Bellbottom embarks on a covert mission to free 210 hostages held by hijackers.

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Inspite of a lot of flaws all around, I found Bell Bottom to be really an engaging espionage thriller. The makers were sure about their strong & weak area; thus they picked full points in their strong areas & ignored those weak areas; no harm! One of the best thing about Bell ...

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BELL BOTTOM : HIGH ON STRATEGY , LOW ON IMPACT & ACTION I would say first hour was so fast paced with a lot of things going on and anshul(akshay) sorting it out brillaintly. The dialogues delivery , the conversations with pmo , amazingly crafted with plane scenes ...

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BellBottom is the first film to release on the big screen after theatres reopened post the second wave of coronavirus pandemic. Starring Akshay Kumar as a RAW agent, the film is a heady blend of emotions, action, entertainment, drama and stunning visuals. Directed by ...